Scott Olander

Senior Pastor

Scott Olander

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Personal Purpose Statement: Leading people to have passion in their lives for Jesus Christ.

Life Verses:

- Philippians 1:21, For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

- John 3:30, He [Christ] must increase, but I must decrease

First and foremost in Scott’s life, he wants to always grow in his love for the Lord Jesus with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength as long as he has life in him. He has committed since 2008 to read God’s word every day in order to pursue the Lord.

Secondly, he wants to love and serve his wife, children and grandchildren, and then thirdly, to love and serve his fellow believers in Christ, and then the unsaved and unchurched – to fulfill his Personal Purpose Statement to all.

Scott holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Christian Ministries from Southwestern College (now Arizona Christian University). He also holds a Master of Arts degree in Theology from Trinity Theological Seminary

Scott served as Youth Pastor from 1996 to 2012 at Manzanita Baptist Church in Kingman, AZ. He currently serves as the Pastor here at First Baptist Church of Page, AZ, since August of 2012. His main passions and priorities as the pastor, is first to always develop as an expository, Christ-exalting, gospel-centered preacher. Secondly, to make disciples of men one-on-one, who will be equipped and expected to make disciples themselves.

Some Personal Interests:

His favorite sport to watch is college football. He enjoys boating with his family and kayaking on Lake Powell. He also enjoys going to the beach in Carpinteria, CA with his family, and body-boarding. He actually enjoys mowing his yard. His favorite food is anything Asian, and pizza and hot wings.